Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just for Starters

Welcome to my blog!

I figure I should explain a tiny bit what exactly the point of this blog is - but truthfully I'm not fully sure. I know one thing though - I know I need to let off steam now and again because, as the blog title states I get miffed sometimes basically all the time. Keeping that bottled up isn't healthy for my sanity. God knows we want me to keep my sanity, as it makes the world a better place (mostly for the Hubs). 

In my blog I can't say I will stick to one topic or even always be letting off steam because that's a complete and total lie. I'm gonna bounce around from topic to topic willy-nilly whenever I please, just because I can... It's my blog you know! Sometimes I may want to impart some of my acquired wisdom - take my advice at your own risk, I bear no responsibility in your personal decisions. Oh, and let's not forget that I'm going to be a bit sarcastic and make some funnies, so if you don't like my humor just pack your bags and leave. kthankxbye. 

If you enjoy my bloggisms (I may also make up words, because it's my blog and I CAN), you can stay - because I like you. If I don't like you, I reserve the right to blog about why you miffed me. I will blog about those who miffed me personally or my friends and family, or relative strangers or really anyone in general. My miffing-radar isn't prejudiced. Really though, I may blog about you and your rightful miffings even if I DO like you - just because it's funny, and you can take a joke ( I wouldn't like you if you couldn't take a joke DUH). 

Stupid people inspire me - to be miffed. Which in turn allows me to blog about them. There will be many miffings to come since my co-workers informed me that everything apparently irks me... so I will most certainly have material. Don't get me wrong, I love my life and would not trade my little world for anything. I am super thankful for how blessed I truly am, but things irk me now and again and I find writing cathartic.  That being said, my personality dictates that I notice and become miffed by every little irksome thing I encounter. I'm okay with it though - hence me loving my life. Bring it on. Miff me - go ahead, I need material!

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